Understanding the Relationship of Humans and Planet Earth

A WebQuest for High School Global History and Geography I

Designed by

Mr. Cox and Mr. Thomarie
Johnstown High School


Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits


Earth is full of awesome sights and landforms. From the natural landscapes that are our template for beauty, to the man-made constructions of ancient wonders and towering skyscrapers, there is no shortage of amazing features that our planet has to offer.

Over the course of your education, many of these unique features have been mentioned, described, or maybe even briefly analyzed. However, never before have you truly had the chance to take a step back and take the time needed to truly understand the historical, environmental, and the cultural significance that each landform holds. That lack of knowledge however is going to change as you begin to truly understand the relationship between humans and the Earth. 


The Task

Your quest will make you examine the Earth by taking an in-depth look at one of her natural phenomena. The student will be identifying different physiographic features of a landscape/landform. Students will conduct academic research and will provide a historical description of the impact that this feature had on the culture of a native group of people over time.

After the quest is finished, each student will have a deeper understanding of why a certain physiographic feature of Earth is important or significant in the development of a particular cultural group of people

The Process

1. Selection of Landscape � There is no set criteria for what you choose here. From this point on, you will have one week to select one landform or landscape from around the world and submit it for approval. The only exclusions that exist as of this time are as follows: anything from continental United States, as this is a Global class. This quest is meant to broaden your horizons, and these exclusions are meant to aid you in that goal. The teacher will provide you with a handout of possible physical features for you to choose from in case you are having trouble.

2. Research � This step will require you to do a decent amount of independent study. Using your textbook as a reference, materials provided by the teacher, and online resources, you will come up with 3-5 reputable sources to assist you in your learning. When reading through these materials, it is helpful to take notes on the readings and record key quotes, as you must cite AT LEAST three of your sources in your final paper/presentation. In terms of what you should looking for, be sure to keep in mind of these key themes:

1) Where is it?

2) Why is it culturally/historically/environmentally significant?

3) What is its role in today�s society? (If it has one at all, if not, explain)

4) How has this role changed over time?

You will be provided with an additional handout that will help you to organize your research. This worksheet is mandatory and will be collected at the time of your presentation/paper submission.

Online Resources � Use any online databases provided by your school or local library. Also be sure to keep an eye out for reputable specialized reference books/encyclopedias (Gale, Grolier, Worldbook). Wikipedia is an example of an online encyclopedia that is not acceptable. Don�t forget that Mr. Thomarie and myself are here to help. We will have time to spend in the library computer lab for you to conduct this research.

3Mr. Thomarie�s Website, link below, will help you as you research your landform.


. Paper � This assignment will be graded based on a final submission.

- Research Paper: Students will write a 4+ page descriptive analysis paper using proper citations and formatting. This paper should be organized as a timeline of sorts, using descriptions and details to demonstrate just how the landscape/landform has affected these groups of people over time. The rubric for the paper provides the student with appropriate headings for the body paragraphs of the paper.

Outline of Paper

P1 � Introduction: Introduce the task of the Webquest: How has a landform affected a group of people over time. Introduce your landform and group of people to be researched.

P2 � Description of Landform: Describe your landform, including facts, geographic information, and any interesting or notable information.

P3 � Description of How Landform Affected Ancient Group of People � Describe the people and how their culture has been affected by this landform. Include examples of places, people, or culture.

P4 � Description of How Landform Affects a Current Population � Describe how the landform is currently affecting people today. If the landform is no longer having a major impact, explain why.

P5 � Conclusion: Conclude your essay. Reemphasize your thesis using your best line of argument.Your conclusion should state what you have proven.

Bibliography � Using MLA formatting, list all of the sources that you have used for this assignment.


The following rubric is the rubric that will be used to grade your project. Be sure to study the rubric, as these requirements are the ones that must be met by your paper.

Rubric for Paper












Description of Landscape/ Landform

A poor description is provided.

Description is provided, but is vague or lacks details.

A full, accurate, and detailed description is provided.



Description of how Landscape/Landform influenced native group of people.


A poor description is provided

Description is provided, but is vague or lacks details, provides no citations.

An adequate description is provided using at least one citation.

A detailed description is provided using details and at least one citation.

A full, accurate, and detailed description is provided using multiple citations.



Description of how Landscape/Landform has affected the people who live by/near/in it today

A poor description is provided.

Description is provided, but is vague or lacks details

An adequate description is provided using at least one citation.

A detailed description is provided using details and at least one citation.

A full, accurate, and detailed description is provided using multiple citations.


Quality of Sources Used

1 quality source used and cited.

2 quality sources are used and cited.

3 quality sources are used and cited.

4 quality sources are used and cited.

5 quality sources are used and cited.





Proper Citations/Formatting

No citations are provided and formatting is incorrect.

Citations are correct and contain no errors.






Total x 4



Hopefully by the end of this activity, you have obtained an understanding of just how dynamic the relationship by man and his environment truly is. You should also have grasped the concept that the landscapes and landform of the Earth are much more than just natural wonders; they have been major factors in the development of the human race.

But your quest shouldn�t stop after this assignment. Using this analytical and long term mode of thinking will help you to further your knowledge in any content area, and it will help you to make connections you had never thought to make, such as those made in this assignment.

Credits & References

Template for this WebQuest is credited to The WebQuest Page

Last updated on September 3rd, 2015. Based on a template from The WebQuest Page